Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts in the Curriculum

By engaging with expressive arts, pupils are given the opportunity to enhance their creative talents and develop artistic skills. Learning in expressive arts enables pupils to:

  • Be creative and express themselves in different ways
  • Experience enjoyment and contribute to other people’s enjoyment through creative and expressive performance and presentation
  • Develop important skills, both those specific to expressive arts and those which are transferable
  • Develop an appreciation of aesthetic and cultural values, identities and ideas and, for some, prepare for advanced learning and future careers by building foundations for excellence in the expressive arts.

The main elements of this subject are:

  • Art: work is often linked to a Topic and greatly enhances the appearance of the school. Teachers also have the option of following a structured Art & Design programme of study.


  • Drama: takes many forms – from role play in the house corner to performing in class assemblies to pupils and parents, or presenting aspects of the current topic being studied in class.  Teachers also have the option of following a structured Drama programme of study.
  • Music: Music is explored through the resource, Charanga. This interactive resource introduces pupils to key musical concepts such as beat, rhythm, tone and pitch. Pupils are also encouraged to listen to and analyse a range of musical styles as well as having the opportunity to perform as a class using song and musical instruments. At Primary 6 and Primary 7 stages every child is given the opportunity to play a brass instrument.  They are given a test to discover their aptitude for music.  Those who are successful are tutored by our visiting brass instructor, Mr O’Hagen.
  • Dance: A mix of traditional and modern dances are experienced by our pupils.
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