Friday 27th March – Literacy

In your Home Learning Book open it up at pg 1 – The Chocolate Factory

Task One

Read the passage. Using your favourite colour underline any ambitious vocabulary that we could add to the inspiration wall when we return to class. Make sure an send me your suggestions on Seesaw.

Task Two

Read and answer the six questions in your booklet. Use the passage to help you find the answers.

Task Three

Draw your ideal chocolate bar and label with ingredients. Miss Harvey’s would have a salted caramel centre, Mrs Murphy’s would be milk chocolate and dark chocolate with hazelnuts, salted caramel and some nougat and Miss McPhee would have a chocolate bar coated in hundereds and thousands with little marshmallows inside. YUM!

Thursday 26th March Handwashing Writing

An important way to help keep ourselves safe and well over this time is to make sure we are all using proper handwashing techniques.

Watch this video about how to properly wash your hands.

In your jotter write step by step instructions telling me how to wash my hands properly.

Make sure to :  

  • use bossy verbs (called imperative verbs!) like do, put, get. Make sure they tell me EXACTLY what to do
  • keep the instructions short and simple, so I don’t get confused
  • tell me how long to wash my hands for – this is important!
  • send me a picture so I can try to follow your instructions

Thursday 26th March – Safe

Today we are going to be thinking about how to keep ourselves safe.

Safe is one of our school rules and is one of the wellbeing indicators, so it is very important to us.

In your SHANARRI booklets you are going to work through page one which is all about safe. These have been emailed to you on glow.


You are going to be looking at Internet Safety today. Have a look at the following website to get some tips about staying safe online and then work through pg 1 of the booklet.



You are going to be doing a quiz about staying safe around medicine. You can use this website or do some supervised research and then complete pg 1 of the booklet.


Click the links below for your booklet!




Wednesday 25th March – Family Tree

In the film Brave, Merida lives in a castle with her family. We know that all families look really different and that it is important just now to stay connected to our family.

Task One.

Draw your family tree. Start with you and any siblings you may have and work back as far as you can. It may be helpful to contact other family members to see who they remember!

Be as creative as you can!

Task Two

Merida’s family have their own tartan. If your family had their own tartan what would it look like?  Make sure to send me a picture on Seesaw!

Design it in your book. Here are some ideas to help!…161118.165180..165299…0.0..1.338.3192.2j16j2j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67j0j0i5i30j0i30j0i8i30.5Qmjok9Jpr8&ei=4WFzXoySJoXFlwSF-J7oAg&bih=608&biw=1366&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB780GB780&safe=active

Monday 23rd March – Literacy

Today we will be doing some free writing!

Lets start with thinking about three strong memories we have. These could be big or small but must be something that you remember in lots of detail.
Summarize these three memories and write them in your jotter with the starter “I know what it feels like…”

Next, pick one memory to write about in detail. Use the following website at set a 20 minute timer. You should spend this time writing non-stop! Try not to worry too much about spelling and punctuation at this point – just try your best.

Lastly, read over your story and check it makes sense. Try and correct spelling using a dictionary to help you. Remember, the purpose of this piece of writing is to be read so make it as interesting for your reader as you can!

Can you type up your story and send it to your teacher on GLOW ?

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