Last Week of School Activities – pm

Here are a few activities to try each day, once you have completed your Numeracy and Literacy tasks.

Chore Challenge

Create your own art on ‘Tate Paint’-

Create your own ‘Pointillism’ Art using dots of colour

Five Senses Scavenger Hunt

Make your own Treasure Hunt.  Here are some clue cards to help you.  You can even come up with your own Indoor Treasure Hunt Clue Cards





Last Week of School Numeracy/Maths Activities

Renfrewshire Attainment Team Videos

Here are some of the videos that the Renfrewshire Attainment Team have made.  Watch the videos and have a go at some of the games/activities.  These are your Numeracy/Maths activities for the week.  You can pick which activities to do and you can do them in any order.

Any resources you require for the activities will be announced at the start of the videos.

Last Week of School Literacy Activities

Literacy Activities – ‘What a Year it’s Been!…’

Below are some tasks for you to complete this week.  You can pick and choose which day you want to complete them.  Some of these tasks have printable sheets if you have a printer at home, or use your home-learning jotter/paper to copy the layout and complete them.

The tasks this week are reflecting on this year at school and looking forward to the next.  There are a mixture of written tasks and discussion tasks.

My School Memories – 

Looking Forward to Next Year

End of Year Awards – Most Likely to

Reflecting on Primary School Cards

Would You Rather..

Our Final Week…

Well Primary 5, 6/5 and 6, this is our final week of home-school this year!!!!  So sad we know!  As it is our last week, the activities on the Blog for this week are all being posted today and you can choose which activity to do and which day to do it.  There will be a Literacy blog, a Numeracy/Maths blog and a pm blog.

Alternatively, here is a little interactive booklet which will link you to different websites.  Just click on ‘Go’ on the activity you want to do and it will take you to the website : End of Term Activity Book

As always, send us pics of your work on Seesaw and please send us any messages before we all say goodbye at 1pm on Friday (sniff, sniff, tears).

We have missed you all at school and will look forward to seeing all your faces after the Summer holidays!  Enjoy your Summer break everyone!!!

Miss McPhee, Miss Harvey & Mrs Murphy xxx

Friday 19th June: French – School and Hobbies

French – School and Hobbies

Bonjour la class!!!!!

This afternoon we would like you to log on to the BBC bitesize website and watch the videos about French school and hobbies.

There are 2 activities for you to complete after the videos.  Any work can be completed in your home-learning jotters.

Photograph your work and send to your teacher via seesaw or email.

Bonne après-midi. Passe un bon weekend!



Friday 19th June: Free Writing

‘Have a go’ Writing

Free writing is a great opportunity for you to ‘have a go’ and write about what ever you want.  This could be a story, personal writing, news, a report, recipe/instructions, comic – anything you like.

The purpose of free writing is for you to get all your ideas on paper and get as much information as you can written down.  Just let your mind flow!  The focus is not spelling, grammar etc but this doesn’t mean you become lazy spellers, it means you shouldn’t be stopping every 2 seconds to check the spelling of words as you will lose your ‘flow’.

So, have a go at writing about what you like today.  Send it to your teacher as we love to read your work!!!


Thursday 18th June: World of Work

World of Work

Here are 3 more occupations that you could have a look at – Architect, Chef and Police Officer.  Try out the suggested activities on your chosen career card picture and send any photos to your teacher.

Have any of the career cards, that have been sent this week, interested you?  Maybe you could do a little more research on them.

Thursday 18th June: Time (Duration)

Reading Timetables

Being able to read a timetable is a very important life skill.  Trains, buses, sports complexes, cinemas are examples of places where timetables are needed to tell you when something is arriving or starting.  Bus and train timetables not only tell you when they will arrive at the bus stop/station, but also the duration of the journey.  Duration means how long it takes.

Tasks 1 and 2 need you to look at the timetables and answer the questions about them.  Sometimes it is easier to work out the duration if you have an analogue clock in front of you as you can physically count the minutes around the clock.

Task 1 – Click on the link below


Task 2 – Click on the link and answer the questions below

McGills Timetable

Here is the McGill’s bus timetable from Paisley to Silverburn and the return journey back.  On bus timetables you look down the column to see what time the bus will be at each bus stop on that journey.

  1. If the bus leaves Paisley at 11.30, what time will it arrive at Silverburn?
  2. How long was the journey in Q.1?
  3. If the bus leaves Loanend at 16.00 (4pm), how long will it take to get to Peat Road
  4. What time is the last bus of the day (heading to Silverburn) at Hurlet Road?
  5. What time does the bus leave Inchinnan Depot?
  6. When the bus leaves Silverburn at 10.52, how long does it take to get to Hurlet Road?
  7. What time is the earliest bus from Silverburn?
  8. What is the duration of the overall bus journey, leaving Silverburn, on the last available bus?

Send any work you have completed to your teacher!




Thursday 18th June: Reading

Reading Task

Every day you should be aiming to read for 15 minutes.  This could be a comic, story book, fact book, information from the internet, bedtime reading etc.  This isn’t always possible therefore we would like you to log on to the Epic reading site and read a book for at least 15 minutes today – your choice.

Mrs Murphy’s Class:  ple8017

Miss Harvey’s Class: mhh6886

Miss McPhee’s Class:  bqu2156

Select your Avatar and then browse the library for something you would like to read.  This site records the books you read so you need to read right to the end of the book to register that the book has been completed.  You may not get to finish your book so you can save it in your ‘favourites’ to go back to.

Task – Select a page in your home-learning jotter and split it for you to write your 3 sharings – likes/dislikes, puzzles and connections.  This page can be added to the more you read in the book as puzzles may be answered and your likes/dislikes may change.

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