Author Archives: Mr Craig

Tuesday 28th April (Literacy)

Outdoor Literacy


Choose one of the following tasks for Outdoor Literacy;

Rope Trail Instructional Writing – Write set of instructions to move from point a) to point b) outside. Create your own trail, using both high / low areas, under / over tarpaulin, between trees/bushes etc.,

Use imperative verbs for your instructions. Once you have done this, blindfold a family member and ask them to follow your instructions. Would you change any instructions? Why not swap over and have your family member read out your instructions whilst you are blindfolded.

Picture frame – Collect 8 similar length twigs/branches and a range of natural materials. Whilst one person is blindfolded, the other gives instructions for them to make a picture frame on the floor with the sticks, and to create a picture or pattern using the natural items. The location of each item needs to be described so that the blindfolded person can place it without assistance. After 5 minutes, swap roles.

Tuesday 28th April (Health & Wellbeing)

It’s Okay to be Different

Did you know that April is Autism awareness month? It is important that we all appreciate our differences and understand “IT’S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT” Watch the short video “A Different Kind of Brilliant” – CHALLENGE – You are going to create a poster with the message “It’s okay to be different”.

Once you have created your poster, take a photograph and either send it via glow or on Seesaw. The posters should be handed in by Thursday 30th April.

Monday 27th April (Literacy)

L.I – Explore the importance of fluency and expression when we read.

Starter Activity – Answer each of the Survey Monkey Questions.

  1. Listen to Poem

Begin by reading Miroslav Holub’s poem The Door. Listen to these two contrasting performances:

2. Listen and Respond

Decide which reading you prefer and why and jot down your response in your jotter.

3. Answer the following (Jotter work or Seesaw)

Now make some notes on the poem:

  1. What did you like about the poem? What was your favourite line and why?
  2. How did the poem make you feel?
  3. Which line in the poem did you find the most interesting and why?
  4. Are there any parts of the poem that leave you with unanswered questions?
  5. What questions would you like to ask the poet, Miroslav Holub?


Decide how you would perform this out loud and have a go at performing at home.

  • Why not use i-movie (or other media equivalent app) to record yourself and add musicand pictures to your project.

Monday 27th April (Maths)

Maths Starter

Complete Q11-20 of the Rigour Maths Challenge. Answers will be posted on Seesaw during the afternoon.



Pyramids & Cubes



Main Lesson

We are going to start off this morning revising our grid method multiplication strategy. You are going to learn a way of writing calculations for multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.This method is called the grid method.

  1. Watch the teaching video below (up to 2:11):


2. Roll the dice

Roll a dice to give the different numbers in a multiplication calculation. Children complete the calculation using either the written method or mental strategies depending on the numbers.


If you don’t have a dice, use the link below.

3. Grid Method Multiplying

Attempt each question using the grid method to layout your work (to be completed on Seesaw or in jotters.)

Pyramids + Cubes (Both slides)

Spheres (Slide 1)

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Extension –

BBC – Negative Numbers Revision 

Watch the video and play the quiz.


Monday 27th April (Home Learning)

Create Your Own Timetable

One of the first things you will get when you go to secondary school is a timetable. The timetable you get will explain what subject, classroom and teacher you will have throughout the day at different time slots called ‘periods’.

For this morning I want you to create your own weekly timetable for home learning that you will try to stick with. Remember your plan must fit with you. If you are never up at 9:00am then don’t bother planning to do your first lesson at this point.

Each time table must have:

  • 3x 1hour lesson periods (usually 1 maths, 1 literacy and 1 other)
  • 1 hour of planned exercise (This could be playing outside)
  • 1 daily household task planned per day (tidy your bedroom, do the hoovering, wash the dishes etc)
  • Plan time for someone special each day. This could be a phone call, an email, writing a letter to post, FaceTime video call etc. It is important to keep in touch with people and let them know you care about them.
  • Plan slots for lunch and breaks etc
  • Don’t forget to plan in when you will be having free time. This could include many things catching up on TV programmes, watching Netflix, playing the X-Box etc.

Weekly Timetable Challenge example

Have a look at the example above.

I have attached a template for you to add to with text boxes, however you might wish to create/draw your own template on paper. If so, take a picture of it and send it to me. (Also available on Seesaw)

Weekly Timetable Template 

Tuesday 21st April (Art)


Artistic challenge – Doors are not only exciting for what may lie behind them, they can be designed to invite you into their world. A few years ago, a derelict area of Funchal in Madeira was transformed by local artists who decided to bring the dead doors to life. The beauty of the art opened new doors, and soon homes, shops and restaurants flourished there. Here are a few of those doors.

CHALLENGE – Have a go at drawing, painting or creating your own door. What design would you choose? What would it represent?


Tuesday 21st April (Literacy – Writing)


As you know, we are in lockdown, shut behind doors for our own safety and the safety of everyone else. Covid-19 has closed schools, closed shops and temporarily closed some of the things we take for granted, like playing in the park with our friends.


Activity 1:  

Make a list of all the things that you miss doing. You may like to think about some of the following categories:

  • seeing family 
  • seeing friends
  • day to day things
  • playing sports
  • exploring your interests
  • places you love to visit


★ Activity 2: I opened the magical door and saw …

This is an idea inspired by Kit Wright’s poem ‘The Magic Box’ In the poem, Kit imagines what may be contained inside a magical box. We can use this idea to connect to what could be behind the magical door.

  1. Before you begin, brainstorm a list of ideas for what might be behind the door. Let your imagination run wild as there is no wrong answer. Once you have your list, have a go at writing a poem, using the repeating opener: I opened the magical door and saw …

Here’s an example to help you get going:

I opened the magical door and saw shadows dancing.

I opened the magical door and saw a rainbow leading to another world.

I opened the magical door and saw people crying.

I opened the magical door and saw a magical fairground flooded in lights.

2. Once you have got your ideas, go back and see if you can add to them. You could add more description or bring the thing to life through action,

e.g. I opened the magical door and saw a shoal of hungry shadows, tangoing through busy streets.

 Have fun adding to your ideas and let your imagination run wild. Have a read of this poem I created with some Y6 children to help you get ideas:

The Magical Door

3. Write your own poem

Can you explore more of the senses? You may like to try the following pattern:

  • I opened the magical door and saw …
  • I opened the magical door and heard …
  • I opened the magical door and smelt …
  • I opened the magical door and touched …
  • I opened the magical door and found …

Tuesday 21st April (Maths)

Maths Starter

Complete Q1-10 of the Rigour Maths Challenge. The Pyramids and Cubes should attempt the 2nd level questions and the Spheres should attempt the 1st Level ones. Answers will be posted on Seesaw during the afternoon.

Main Lesson

We are going to start off this morning with some multiplication maths work. You are going to learn a way of writing calculations for multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.This method is called the grid method.

  1. Watch the teaching video below (up to 2:11):


2. Attempt the following calculations using the Grid Method (Use your Jotter to show your working):

a) 6 x 18 =            b) 4 x 65 =          c) 8 x 37 =             d) 5 x 124 =

times table grid

Use the multiplication grid if you require support.

Coin Checks (can be played individually or with 2-4 players)

You will need:

  • 1–9 number cards, (create your own)
  • coins (£1, 10p and 1p)
  1. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile.
  2. One person take a handful of 10p and 1p coins and counts them, e.g. 73p. Another person takes a number card, e.g. 4.
  3. Each child writes down the multiplication, e.g. 4 × 73p. Make an estimate, then multiply using the grid method.
  4. Use the coins to check by collecting 4 lots of 70p and 4 lots of 3 × 1p, combining and exchanging for £1 and 10p coins where necessary.
  5. Compare the answer with your estimates. Repeat several times. Extend to multiplying 3-digit numbers and introduce £1 coins.




Monday 20th April (Captain Tom Moore)

You may have heard about this incredible man over the Easter holidays. This afternoon we are going to do some learning activities based around his achievements.

Task 1 – Daily News article (SEESAW) on Captain Tom. Read and discuss the article before answering the comprehension questions about him.

Task 2 – The article was wrote on Friday 17th April. Do further research to find out more about Captain Tom Moore. You could find out the following;

  • What is the latest news about him?
  • How much has he raised?
  • His life up until now?


Choose 1-2 activities from the Activity Sheet below.

Captain Tom Raises Millions for the NHS Image Activity Sheet


Watch the latest:

Monday 20th April (Literacy)

Starter Activity

Visit Spelling City and play some of the spelling games for 10 minutes. Set the timer.

L.I – Apply correct spelling rules for singular and plural

Watch each of the teaching videos below:


Most nouns follow rules for making the plural form.

one tree, two trees,

one bush, two bushes,

one leaf, two leaves,

one daisy, two daisies,


(All Spelling Groups)

  1. Write the plural form of each of these nouns.

a) emperor     b) body    c) watch     d) loaf     e) skill     f) ash     

g) dish      h)wolf     i) life     j) wife      k) country      l) fly


2. Write the singular form of each of these nouns.

a) cities    b) seeds   c) monkeys     d) shelves      e) thieves        f) foxes 

g) brothers       h) impurities      i) wishes       j) dresses         k) halves        l) factories


3. Rewrite the following sentences. Change each singular noun into a plural noun. Make any other necessary changes. The first one has been done for you.

a) The poppy is a lovely flower. Poppies are lovely flowers.

b) The boy wrote in the diary.

c) The beetle hid in the bush.

d) The lady put the loaf on the shelf.

e) The girl played with the baby and then tried on the dress.


Green + Red groups only

4. Practise your punctuation

Punctuate these sentences correctly.

a) a lady played with her baby on the grass

b) the boy picked up the knife and cut the berry from the branch

c) will you need scissors and pliers to make the toy the teacher asked the girl

d) the workman promised to mend the hole in the roof

e) buy some new trousers pants jeans and shorts the woman said to the child

f) the fox could see that the fish was swimming in the pond near the bush


5. Now rewrite the sentences above. Change each singular noun into a plural noun.
Make any other necessary changes.

EXTENSION – Attempt Sumdog Spelling games set for singular and plural spelling rules.