Category Archives: News & Updates

Microsoft Teams Co-Organiser #GlowScot

There is now a new feature available in Teams – Co-Organiser.  This is a really helpful feature if you are sharing a class with another teacher and want to organise a meeting together. Some points to note if you have created a Team and made a pupil an owner.

  • Students can be added as a co-organiser if they are already an invitee to the meeting.​
  • Students cannot edit the meeting invite itself. All options are unavailable other than Meeting options at the bottom of the invitation. If the student has been added as a co-owner the meeting options will open, if they have not been or have been removed they will receive an error page when trying to open.​
  • If a student is a co-organiser they can admit anonymous and/or external users to the meeting, increasing possibility to have a student and external attendee alone.​
  • If a student is a co-organiser they can open and admit other students to the meeting without the supervision of the meeting organiser resulting in unsupervised learner to learner interaction.​
  • If a student is a co-organiser they can change the bypass lobby settings for the meeting egChange from organiser and co-organiser to Everyone. This would enable any invitees to enter the meeting, bypassing the lobby.  ​
  • A student that is an existing co-organiser can add another co-organiser to the list however they cannot invite new attendees to the meeting via the invite and therefore the individual would already have to be invited by the owner.​
  • Teachers could create meetings that are attended and managed solely by students​

Study Support Registration now open! #NeLo #StudySupport #SeniorPhase

Registration for e-Sgoil live evening Study Support Webinars 2022/2023 went live on September 1st, 2022 via the website here: where you will also find the timetable for this year. They start from 26 September for English, Maths, Social Subjects and Sciences with all others starting week beginning 31 October.

Check it out and see what your learners can access.

Check out the latest CALL Scotland Professional Learning #CALLPL2022


These new Free online learning modules have been created by Craig Mill. Click on the link to access.

For each of the modules, click on the Menu in the top right hand corner for a full list of the contents and you can jump to each section from this menu.

In addition, this is on new schedule of Free AT webinars for August – December 2022