Christmas Fayre Fun

Our Christmas Fayre was a roaring success with parents, friends and family turning  out in force to support this very special event. There were queues to see Santa, an amazing array of festive goodies to buy  and lots of prizes to win. Every child in the school and nursery had been involved in producing  items to sell and that is exactly what they did with many of the items sold out in record time.   Business was so brisk at our Christmas cafe that we ran out of hot chocolate!  There was a little competitive edge to this year’s Fayre as each house had to come up with ideas for stalls and products to sell with points being awarded to the  house which generated the biggest profit. The cash is still being counted so at this point we don’t know whether it will be Arran, Bute, Cumbrae or Skye – watch this space!  A huge “thank you” must go to our Parent Council, to everyone who volunteered on the night, to our stall holders and, of course, to everyone who came along on the evening and helped make it such a success.