Monday 2 October 2017
- Welcome to new committee members
- Role of the Eco Rep
- Eco Blog
- Recycle Week
- Environmental Review
- Eco Code
- Photograph of committee
- A.O.C.B
- Eco Reps to remind classes to take photographs of all Eco projects and post to the blog to share their learning.
- Recycle Week was a success, we have collected 18 old mobile phones for St Vincent’s Hospice. Thank you all for your donations. Please continue to bring them in if you still have some at home.
- The Environmental Review will be distributed to classes to help inform our action plan for this year. We will cover litter plus 2 other topics to develop within the school.
- It is now time to renew our Eco Code. We are looking for a new rhyme, poem or statement for the school. This can be done in class as a writing lesson or sent home as a piece of homework. The code can be written individually or with a partner or group. It should include reference to as many of the 10 Eco Schools topics as possible (litter, waste minimisation, energy, water, transport, health and well-being, school grounds, biodiversity, sustaining our world, food and the environment). Time to get creative! Please pass all entries to Miss Sweeney by Friday 3rd November.
- Thank you to P7a for your suggestions: Miss Sweeney will look into the den building equipment so it can be used with classes. The Eco Committee agreed that they would like an ‘Eco Week’ this year and the opportunity to wear eco colours to make it special. Miss Sweeney will ask Mr Wilson if there is anything we can do to turn down corridor radiators as they can be too hot at times. P7a would also like a ‘no electricity’ day which Ms McLintock suggested might be suitable for the summer term and a ‘no food in the bin’ day to help reduce food waste. We will look into including these into the school year.
- Thank you to P3b for your suggestions: all classes are free to sow seeds and grow vegetables within their classes throughout the year. If you would like to use the allotment to grow vegetables, please speak to Mrs Matthews.
- Mrs Matthews would like to remind all children to be kind to the trees and not break branches off of them as they are still alive and growing. Please play with the branches that have already fallen off the trees.
- Next meeting: Monday 20th November