Tag Archives: P2

P2 Homework w/b 26.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had lots of fun during the holiday weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling (ng) Tuesday – Copy out words, Wednesday – write sentences, Thursday – practise for quiz.

Maths – Tens and Units worksheet. Keep working on learning the number stories of 11 and 12. Remember maths homework is due Friday.

Reading – All books will be sent home on Wednesday this week so you will only have reading homework on Wednesday and Thursday night.

Wordwall – Please remember to focus on the highlighted lines or words.

Please remember that we have a few lunchtime clubs on this week. If possible, it would be advisable for children to bring a packed lunch on days when they have a club.

As always, please let me know if you need help with anything.

Miss Cruickshank




P2 Homework w/b 19.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you had a super weekend!

As this is a short week before September Weekend, all homework is due on Thursday!

There will be NO read and munch this week due to European Languages Day on Thursday. Please remember to wear house colours on this day.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling – (Common Words) Please see daily tasks at the front of the spelling jotter.

Reading –New book (remember day may vary when they are sent out.)

Maths – Learning addition number stories of 12

Number Stories of 12 (facts to learn)

12+0 =12













REMEMBER if you know that 2+10=12 you also know that 10+2=12 etc.

As always, let me know if you have any problems.

Miss C.

P2 Homework w/b 12.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is a list of your homework for this week:

Reading – Please remember the day in which books are sent home may vary.

Spelling – Revision week (sh, ch and th.) Here are a couple of games to help you learn your words if you wish:

sh, ch, th wordsearch

Forest Phonics

Wordwall- daily practise of highlighted lines until secure.

Maths – Continue to learn your number stories of 11 and complete Place Value Worksheet. (Please note that I am going to issue maths homework on a Monday from now on and will be due on the Friday.)

Here is a game we are playing in class to help us understand tens and units.

Tens and Units Shark Game

As always, if you have any problems, please just let me know.

Miss Cruickshank





P2 Homework w/b 5.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you had a fun weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling – (th) Please see daily tasks at the front of the spelling jotter.

Reading –New book (remember day may vary when they are sent out.)

Maths – Learning addition number stories of 11.

Number Stories of 11 (facts to learn)

11+0 =11












As always, please see me if you have any questions.

Miss Cruickshank



P2 Homework w/b 29.8.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is a list of your homework for this week:

Spelling sound – ch

Please complete activities as noted in front of homework jotter.

Reading book

Please read whole book aloud to someone at home at least once. (Remember that the day books will be sent home may vary depending on when teaching has been completed in class.)


Complete Venn diagram.

Read and Munch

Please bring in a book of your choice (or you can choose from the class library) and a healthy snack to eat whilst reading on Thursday!

Any problems, just ask! 🙂

See you all in the morning!

Miss Cruickshank