All posts by Mrs McAvoy

P2 Homework w/b 19.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you had a super weekend!

As this is a short week before September Weekend, all homework is due on Thursday!

There will be NO read and munch this week due to European Languages Day on Thursday. Please remember to wear house colours on this day.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling – (Common Words) Please see daily tasks at the front of the spelling jotter.

Reading –New book (remember day may vary when they are sent out.)

Maths – Learning addition number stories of 12

Number Stories of 12 (facts to learn)

12+0 =12













REMEMBER if you know that 2+10=12 you also know that 10+2=12 etc.

As always, let me know if you have any problems.

Miss C.

P2 Homework w/b 12.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is a list of your homework for this week:

Reading – Please remember the day in which books are sent home may vary.

Spelling – Revision week (sh, ch and th.) Here are a couple of games to help you learn your words if you wish:

sh, ch, th wordsearch

Forest Phonics

Wordwall- daily practise of highlighted lines until secure.

Maths – Continue to learn your number stories of 11 and complete Place Value Worksheet. (Please note that I am going to issue maths homework on a Monday from now on and will be due on the Friday.)

Here is a game we are playing in class to help us understand tens and units.

Tens and Units Shark Game

As always, if you have any problems, please just let me know.

Miss Cruickshank





P1 Homework w/b 12.9.16

Good Evening

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Could I please ask that anyone who has not yet returned any photograph forms to do so as soon as possible. I can’t put any photographs of the children on the blog until I have all forms back. Thank you.

Here is the homework for P1 this week:

Sounds – i and p (revise s, a, t and p)

Reading – 2 books (please return first book on Wednesday so that we can swap.)

No new words this week – revision of and, a and the + characters.

As always, if you have any queries, please ask.

Miss Cruickshank

P2 Homework w/b 5.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you had a fun weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling – (th) Please see daily tasks at the front of the spelling jotter.

Reading –New book (remember day may vary when they are sent out.)

Maths – Learning addition number stories of 11.

Number Stories of 11 (facts to learn)

11+0 =11












As always, please see me if you have any questions.

Miss Cruickshank



P1 Homework w/b 5.9.16

Evening all

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.

Here is the P1 homework for this week:

Sounds -t, p – continue to practise s, a

Words – and, a , the – continue to practise characters and names

Books – 2 books this week and the extended story book

Please make sure your book is back in the bookbag on Wednesday so that we can swap books.

Please also remember our Read and Munch day is a Thursday.

P1 Gazette Photographs

Please remember that all P1s will be getting their photograph taken for the Paisley Gazette on this day. Please wear white shirts and a tie on this day. We will not have PE today because our slot clashes with the photographer.

As always, please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


Miss Cruickshank

Elmer Topic

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We had a very busy week last week and this included starting our new and exciting topic, Elmer.

As as you can see, we did a fantastic job creating tissue paper Elmer’s.

Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about lots of different things related to Elmer. If you have anything Elmer related at home and wish to share this with our class, please bring it in.

Miss Cruickshank

P2 Homework w/b 29.8.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is a list of your homework for this week:

Spelling sound – ch

Please complete activities as noted in front of homework jotter.

Reading book

Please read whole book aloud to someone at home at least once. (Remember that the day books will be sent home may vary depending on when teaching has been completed in class.)


Complete Venn diagram.

Read and Munch

Please bring in a book of your choice (or you can choose from the class library) and a healthy snack to eat whilst reading on Thursday!

Any problems, just ask! 🙂

See you all in the morning!

Miss Cruickshank


P1 Homework w/b 29.8.16

Hi everyone

I hope you had a fab weekend!

Here is a list of P1 homework this week:

Characters – Mum, Dad and Floppy

Play games and match the pictures to the name.

Sounds – s, a

Sing the songs, do the actions and find things at home that start with s and a.

Maths – an activity from maths sheet or one of your own. Please complete at least one maths activity each week this term.

Read and Munch – Please remember to bring a book of choice into school (or children can choose from the library) and a healthy snack to eat whilst reading on Thursday.

It was lovely to see so many parents at the information evening last week. If you were unable to attend, please let me know if you would like to arrange a quick visit so I can explain some of the key information you missed. Thank you.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or queries.

Miss Cruickshank

Welcome to P2/1’s Blog

Hi everyone

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

We had a lovely first week in P2/1. Everyone has settled in really well and we are all making new friends within the class.

Our P.E. days are on a Wednesday and Friday. If you have not already done so, please ensure that your child has appropriate kit which will be kept in school in a gym bag. Please also ensure that your child wears polo shirts on these days and that any long hair is tied back. Any jewellery should ideally be left at home on these days please.

As we will be going outside in all weathers, please ensure that your child comes to school wearing appropriate clothing, especially on rainy days! A waterproof jacket with a hood on it and welly boots can be left in school (optional.)

Book bags will start to come home this week. Most children have already brought their book bag into school but if you have not sent one in with your child yet, please do so as soon as possible. I will check book bags and homework diaries daily.

On Thursday, we will be starting Read and Munch. Please provide your child with a healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) and a book of their choice to read each week, on this day. Children are also free to choose from the class library if they wish.

I am really looking forward to getting to know and working with you and your child this year. If you have any questions or queries throughout the year, please so not hesitate to get in touch. My door is always open!

Here is to a great week ahead.

Miss Cruickshank