Happy New Year and welcome back. It was lovely to see everyone today and hear all the news about Christmas and New Year. A few wee reminders about what is happening.
There is no homework this week. Book bags will go out on Monday with new reading books. Not everyone will have a word wall so please do not panic if your child does not have one!
Please return gym bags tomorrow if you have not already done so. Our PE days remain a Thursday and Friday.
Please could you practise zipping or fastening jackets with your child? During this cold weather it is essential that they are suitably wrapped up when going out to play during playtime, lunchtime or during the daily mile.
Our topic for the next few weeks will be Scotland and we will be learning Scottish Country Dances and poems-watch this space for more information!
Read and Munch will continue to be on a Thursday starting next week.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs Hunter