week beg 31/10/16

Homework and news for this week…….

P2 Homework

Spelling is the next 10 common words.

Reading books out on Monday

Maths will be related to our calendar Maths topic.


P3 Homework

Spelling is the next 20 common words

Reading books out on Monday

Maths will be related to our Calendar topic.

Comprehension due for Friday


On Monday we will be having a small Halloween party in the afternoon.  Pupils are invited to bring in their costumes in a bag and change at lunchtime.

We will be starting our new toys topic on Tuesday.  This term pupils will be asked to give a small talk to the class about their favourite toys.  Letters with  more detail will be given out on Monday.  Our school trip to Scotland Street Museum is on the 8th of November.  If you haven’t returned the letter for permission please do so as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton

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