P2 Homework w/b 26.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had lots of fun during the holiday weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling (ng) Tuesday – Copy out words, Wednesday – write sentences, Thursday – practise for quiz.

Maths – Tens and Units worksheet. Keep working on learning the number stories of 11 and 12. Remember maths homework is due Friday.

Reading – All books will be sent home on Wednesday this week so you will only have reading homework on Wednesday and Thursday night.

Wordwall – Please remember to focus on the highlighted lines or words.

Please remember that we have a few lunchtime clubs on this week. If possible, it would be advisable for children to bring a packed lunch on days when they have a club.

As always, please let me know if you need help with anything.

Miss Cruickshank




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