EMail Subscription Service!

Our email subscription service is now ready for you to sign up! This will send a daily email of any updates on our school blogs. Please see the image below to see where to find the sign up form.

A couple of things to be aware of:

  • Please pick Whole School News and any additional stages you would like to receive email updates from (eg. select Whole School News, Primary 3 and Primary 6 if you have children in P3 and P6).
  • You will only receive an email if there has been any updates to the blog.
  • Emails will be delivered in the evening, please check your junk mail and mark the sender as safe if emails end up in there.
  • The emails will come from an email address that is not monitored by the school. Please do not reply to these emails or use it for any communication as they will not be received. Please use
  • If you had previously subscribed to Whole School News using the old system, your email may already be registered with MailChimp and you will need to complete a verification process via your email to add additional classes.

As with any new system, there will probably be some teething issues so bear with us while we sort them out. All blog updates are automatically populated to our school Twitter and Facebook feeds that can be found here….







With thanks,

Miss Burnett

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