As we reach the end of our session 2019-20, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their efforts and supports throughout this year. This has not been the year any of us could have imagined when we all stepped through the doors in August 2019. However, the abrupt halt to face to face teaching in March has not stopped us from continuing to work together as a strong school community.
Although there has been a number of things we were unable to do and a number of big disappointments for our pupils, I am extremely proud of all the things we did manage to keep going.
Our online learning platforms were up and running on the 11th March. Pupils and staff were very quickly trained in the last few days at school. Staff who were self isolating at home added content to the sites and supported those pupils who were also at home. They developed training materials and delivered them remotely to staff over lunchtimes. Staff supported each other, and continue to do so, as we learned more about Teams and the possibilities for our pupils.
We have managed to take a large number of our activities online including our PATHS pupil of the day and check in. Our toilet roll challenge, online sports day and talent shows were also a huge success. Teachers have used Team meetings to provide opportunities for discussion with their pupils and the Chill Out Zones have provided our pupils with a platform to keep in touch with each other albeit remotely. Our current P7s and our new P1s were able to visit us briefly and we were delighted that this was able to happen.
The community has also shown a great deal of strength and support. You showed our support by displaying rainbows, Easter Eggs and other examples of work in your windows. You shared videos and pictures that helped to ensure we still felt connected to your children’s learning. Also we are now the proud owners of our rainbow of hope painted for us by one of our neighbours. The stone snake out side the school continues to grow and puts a smile on our faces daily.
Our parent council has been meeting regularly through zoom to help keep the flow of information between home and school going.
As a result of our continued hard work throughout this and over the last few years we have managed to secure 2 awards as recognition of this. We are now a PATHS Worldwide Model School and have A Renfrewshire Nurturing Relationships Approach Amethyst award. Both of these we are very proud of and we will continue to grow and develop in these areas over the coming session.
And so I’d like to say a few thank yous. Firstly to all of our staff in all departments. They have shown great team spirit throughout this terrible situation. They have worked tirelessly to support pupils and each other and I could not be more proud to have such a wonderful team working in Bishopton Primary.
Also to the parents and carers, I can’t begin to imagine how difficult home schooling must be when you are juggling this with all the other demands that life throws at us. You have been supportive and diligent in your task and for that we are all truly grateful. Your children have continued to make great progress and that it down to the way you have supported the efforts of the teacher through this.
My final thanks must go to our fantastic pupils. The hard work and resilience shown has been second to none. You have made us laugh, cry, gasp in amazement but most of all beam with pride. This has been the most extraordinary time and you have all coped brilliantly.
So, as the term ends, we’d like to make sure that we keep up our end of term tradition. Our oldest and youngest pupils always ring the bell to mark the start of the summer and this year will be no different. Watch below as Forbes and Lewis mark this occasion.
Please now take the time to relax and recharge over the summer break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in August. The final details are still unclear but please keep checking the blog for any updates.
Enjoy a more relaxed time with your family and fingers crossed the weather holds up.
Best wishes and love to all in our school community.
Mrs McNaught