World Book Day is fast approaching. It is officially celebrated on Thursday 7th March but as indicated on the letter and previous post, we are celebrating on FRIDAY 8TH MARCH. It is a non uniform day as a thank you for the support of our reading challenge. We are not asking children to dress up as book characters.
We are halfway through the reading challenge and the teachers can’t wait to hear about all of the exciting things you have been doing! Sponsor money should be brought to school on Friday 8th March in an envelope with your child’s name and class and amount raised. If you are completing this as a family, it would be really helpful if the eldest sibling could let their sibling’s teacher know that money has been handed in.
Your support in this is greatly appreciated and money raised will help to buy exciting, new Literacy games for your child’s class. In the last 2 years we have managed to buy fantastic fiction and non-fiction books and audio books so let’s see how many games we can buy!
Thank you again and here’s to a great day on Friday!
Mrs Campbell