Week Beginning 19/06/17

Good evening!

I hope you all had a restful weekend and have been enjoying the sunshine tonight. Children do not have homework this week unless they are still to complete their factfile. We heard many of the talks today and they were fantastic! It is clear how much time and effort went in to preparing these talks and I look forward to hearing more of them throughout the week.

Due to the fact children do not have homework this week, today’s letters are in school bags.

Thank you to everyone who brought their summer clothes in today for the end of year assembly. Can I ask that anyone who has not brought their clothes in brings these tomorrow in a bag. Children will be taking completed work home later this week. It would be handy if everyone could bring a plastic bag in to take the work home with them.

I look forward to celebrating our learning in P2H with many of you at the end of year assembly.

Have a great week!
Miss Hamilton

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