P4a Homework 5.6.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework and class information📒.

Please make sure children have their P.E. kits on a Wednesday and Friday and if possible to bring outdoor kit.

Reading 📚 – Pupils will swap their Big Cat Books on Wednesday this week. Please read at home and use the rolling through the text worksheet to support their comprehension.

Spelling 📝

📘 – cosmic, misery, president, raspberry, invisible, enthusiastic, phase, inquisitive, Edinburgh and Stirling.

📕 – result, prison, cosmic, positive, present, raspberry, Edinburgh and Stirling.

📗 – more, wore, store, snore, before, score, Perth and Aberdeen.

Maths📚 – This week in maths we will continue with division. Homework has been issued and we will be working on this concept during the week. Please remember to ask for help if you are unsure and to use your times table checkers to support. I have added links to some games below to help your understanding.

Times Tables –http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/multiplication-and-division



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