Week Beginning 20.03.17

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

This weeks homework and news is as follows:


Spelling this week is a revision of magic e words.

Reading – core readers this week. Please read a little each night. These will be issued on Tuesday, due to No Paper Day on Monday as part of our Eco Week.

Maths this week is on fractions. I will post homework on the blog on Monday due to No Paper Day.

Other News

This week is Eco Week and the children will be taking part in lots of eco activities in class.  Monday is a paper free day in class and as such homework diaries will not be used on Monday morning to write in the homework activities. Homework will consist of our usual spelling activities and reading and maths as mentioned above. We are also be taking part in the Big Pedal. Children are invited to bring in their bikes or scooters each day. We will make time each day to go outside and get on our bikes and scooters. Please be aware that children must wear a helmet when on their bikes and scooters. If the children do not bring a bike or scooter they will be encouraged to be active outside.

We also have Red Nose Day activities this week. On Wednesday P1-3 children will get the opportunity to have their faces painted. On Friday they will also be invited to dress in red and donate to comic relief with a donation of £1.

We will be returning to the library on Tuesday morning to return our books and allow the children to choose another book. If the children could bring their books in with them tomorrow, this will ensure that they are all ready to be returned on Tuesday morning. If you are able to assist us with our library visit please let me know.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who attended our Fairyland Open Afternoon on Friday. I hope you all had a great time and the class loved sharing their learning and activities with you.

Miss Hamilton.

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