w/b 20/3/17

Hi everyone,

Hope you are having a good weekend!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a no paper day, therefore we will not be using any paper tomorrow. As homework, we are going to attempt at least two activities from the Eco Homework Grid, which will go on the blog on Monday.

Also a reminder that this week is Big Pedal week and we have opportunities to ride our bikes throughout the week. Please remember to bring a helmet. In addition, Tuesday is the P6 bake sale. A reminder that no home baking can contain nuts due to allergies.

On Wednesday we also have the community café which some members of each class will be taking part in! We are still looking for any parent helpers who may be available to help! If you are able to help could you let your child’s teacher know, thanks!

See you all tomorrow!

Miss Grant and Miss Cauley

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