Vegetable Tasting!

The Food and the Environment sub group were discussing ways in which we could promote healthy eating as well as helping to reduce food waste in the school. We are hoping to put lots of plans in place over the next few weeks and months but we thought we would firstly take the opportunity, to promote the new Renfrewshire School Meals Menu which starts on Monday.

As a group, we discussed how many vegetables are wasted at meal times as children are not willing to try them because they don’t know what they are or taste like. After speaking to Mrs Ferguson in the kitchen, we agreed that we would hold a vegetable tasting day for the whole school.

Mr Collins and Mrs Davidson discussed the importance of healthy eating and promoted some of the new vegetables at our assemblies before all pupils (and staff) had the opportunity to sample some of the vegetables that will be on offer on the new menu.

Curly kale was the clear favourite, followed by green beans and then roasted onions (we might need to promote the latter more!)

Here are some pictures of our infant children trying some of the vegetables:

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