As, in line government expectations, most staff from school will be working from home, the following mobile numbers can be used during school hours to contact the relevant DHT.
During Mr McAvoy’s absence Mr Collins will cover P1-3 and Mrs Davidson will cover P4-7.
Mr Collins can be contacted on 07541 049686
Mrs Davidson can be contacted on 07541 063788
Mr Collins and Mrs Davidson will also use these numbers to make outgoing calls when they are working from home. It might be worthwhile to take note of these numbers so that you recognise it as a school call should we need to make contact with you.
Mrs McNaught will be in school everyday and can be contacted on the usual number -0300 300 0147
We hope that this is helpful to you. Please remember if you have any concerns do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to assist you in any way possible.