Scottish Assemblies

Thursday saw two very successful Scottish Poetry Assemblies. As always, our children did us proud with their confident and expressive recitals.  The judges had a very difficult job deciding on the winners.

The P1-3 trophy went to Isla  of P3W who recited The Skipping Sang by J K Annand.

The P4-5 winner was Layla with her performance of The Red Balloon by an anonymous author.

For P6-7 Mia gave an excellent performance of Robert Burns’ Wullie Whastle.

Very well done to all of our finalists and a special well done to the three winners.

The upper school were entertained by Eilidh, Evie, Chloe and Hollie from P7 dancing the Highland fling, as well as  Kirsty, Eleanor and Ellie from P6.  Rachel and Eilidh from P7 sang Loch Lomond beautifully and we mustn’t forget our ICT technicians Owen and Lewis for their expert help too.

This was a wonderful way to reflect and complete our Scottish month in school. Each year January is busy, with the classes looking at our heritage, our traditions, our culture and much more. They take part enthusiastically and with great enjoyment. Many thanks to the teachers for their hard work behind the scenes.

We must also extend warm thanks to Ms Grant and Mrs Joannides of the Parent Council for judging the infant performances and to Mr Bradford, Mr Wilson and Mr McNellis for their expert decisions with the upper school.

Our Infant winner Isla showing off her well earned trophy.


Our upper school finalists, our two winners and our entertainers and ICT Technicians.

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