Week beginning 28/08/17

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Homework was handed out in book bags yesterday. Our sound this week is ‘ch’ and spelling homework/instructions have been stuck into homework jotters. Please remind your child to bring their book bags into school everyday. If any letters are handed out I will ask the children to put it in their book bags. If you have any notes for myself or the school they are best put into book bags too. Thanks!

I am in the process of completing reading records for each child in the class, to ensure they are starting their reading at the correct level. In the meantime, this week I will also allow the children to take a book home to read for pleasure. If you can, please read a little with your child each night. I am also creating word walls for each child, so that they have specific words to focus on in school and at home. Each wall will be tailored to each child.

Last week we started our rainforest topic.  We got into our topic groups and created a poster and a team name.  It was great fun.  The children will be making rainshakers in one of the lessons. P2B will have their lesson this Friday.  If possible we would like the children to bring in an empty, clean plastic bottle for this lesson.  Any size is fine.   Thank you in advance.

Have a pleasant week.

Miss Bachell/Mr Collins

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