P1H This Week

Read and Munch will be on Friday this week.

We will be doing lots of extra active things this week so if children wish to wear polo shirts each day this week that is fine.

We had 16 bikes and scooters today-let’s try to get even more tomorrow! Remember your helmets!

We can earn extra Eco points this week for having a healthy snack for break and lunch.  This could include fruit, vegetables, yogurts, fruit bars for example.  Please try to avoid crisps and chocolate!

There will be a Bake Sale for Comic Relief tomorrow.  Children can buy cakes starting at 10p.

Please remember to return your consent form for face painting if you have not already done so.  No form means no face painting!

I have still to get Parent/Pupile response forms from quite a number of people.  These forms should be handed in by Friday of this week as they will form the basis for discussion on parents’ nights.

Book bags will go home tomorrow as it is a no paper day today! As stated in previous posts, no reading books will go home this week.  They will be read in class only.

I know there is a great deal of information to take in but it is a very busy, exciting week in school!

Mrs Hunter


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