P5S – The Biology of the Brown Trout

Image result for brown trout

Today we looked at the biology of the brown trout. We learned about all of the different parts on a trout’s body. They have quite a few fins. Can you remember the names of any? Each fin is used for a different reason.  Can you remember why they have them?

To help remember the different parts we are making 3D brown trout. Each fish will then be labelled showing all of the different parts. First of all you had to draw the outline of a trout and then paint on all of the different markings found on their bodies. The trickiest part was painting on the correct side for some of you!

The fish are looking fantastic and over the next few days we will have them completed and ready to go on our wall spaces. I look forward to showing them off.

Here are a few photographs of you hard at work.


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