P3/2 week beginning 06/02/17

I hope you had a great weekend.

This week news and homework as follows:

Primary 2 Homework

This weeks spelling is looking at the next 10 common words.

Reading homework fiction books will continue.  This week our comprehension questions will be looking at the main parts/ events of stories and in writing we will be looking at setting.

Maths homework will be looking at pattern.


Primary 3 Homework

This weeks spelling is soft g as in age, stage and emergency

Reading homework fiction books will continue.  This week our comprehension questions will be looking at the main parts/ events of stories and in writing we will be looking at setting.

Maths homework will be looking at the 5 x table.


Other news

On Friday this week we have an inservice day so our spelling quiz will be on Thursday.  We will be looking at the targets in class this week and setting new ones if they have been achieved.

Thank you to those who sent in shoe boxes for new Egyptian topic.  Please continue to send in any unwanted boxes.

Have a great week

Mrs Fulton




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