I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Homework and news as follows:
P2 Homework
Spelling this week is y at the end as in holly, story, jolly.
Reading books out on Monday.
Maths homework will be looking at change to 20p.
P3 Homework
Spelling this week will be ea as in bread, spread
Reading books out on Monday. Some pupils have also chosen a second more challenging book from the library that can be read alongside the core reader.
Maths this week can be chosen from the Maths grid.
Other news
On Monday I will be hearing all of the Scottish poems. Pupils will then be asked if they would like to be put forward for the school competition. These groups will be sent to other classes on Tuesday when an overall class winner will be chosen. Good luck everyone.
On Friday we will be having our Burns school assembly in the afternoon. Each class poem winner will perform on the stage in front of the school and poetry judges.
We will continue our ERIC (Everyone reads in class) time on Tuesday and Read and Munch on Friday. We have also introduced simultaneous reading in class on a Thursday. This is where everyone in class reads their core reader at the same time at their desks. As they read I circulate and listen in to readers. We also continue our group reading times with the teacher. With this variety of reading styles the pupils are really enjoying reading in class and are working on the different strategies if they get stuck with a new word. This includes sounding it out, reading on, looking at the picture, splitting up the word, asking for help.
Have a great week
Mrs Fulton