I understand the effect that a range of substances including tobacco and alcohol can have on the body. HWB 2-38a
I know that popular culture, the media and peer groups as well as my own attitudes and values can influence how I feel about substance use and recognise the impact this may have on my actions. HWB 2-39a
I know that alcohol and drugs can affect people’s ability to make decisions. HWB 2-40a
I can identify the different kinds of risks associated with the use and misuse of a range of substances. HWB 2-41a
I know of actions I can take to help someone in an emergency. HWB 2-42a
I can:
- Explain some of the effects that substances have on the body.
- Explain how the media influences our drug taking culture.
- Can justify their own feelings towards drug taking.
- Speculate on the possible outcomes of specific actions
- Construct a list of consequences caused by alcohol and drug taking.
- Present their conclusions associated with the use and misuse of substances.
- Explaining the emergency situation to the operator and follow instructions given.
- Adapting and applying first aid skills to different emergency situations.
- Match people who can help to a particular emergency and justify why they have selected that person / service.
- Plan and produce a piece of work which demonstrates what I have learned to their peer group e.g. a drama performance or song.
- Critiquing and criticising a piece of work which demonstrates what have learned.
Using the website links listed below, your task is to create an a radio show to inform your classmates of the dangers of substance misuse. You must include an advert, a jingle and an interview to tell of:
- The effects and health risks related to tobacco and alcohol misuse
- The impact of external influences/pressures and how these can affect personal decisions, actions and outcomes
- The impact and risks of misusing drugs and alcohol and how it can affect your ability to make good decisions
- The negative social side effects of substance misuse on individuals, their families and friends
- How to deal with emergencies using the operator, emergency services and first aid
Click to access PrimaryResourcePack.pdf
You will have 4 weeks to plan and prepare your presentation and will present to the rest of the class on the 5th week.