P4 Scottish Poems

Hi there, as you know this month is our Scottish Culture month.  As part of this each child is asked to select and learn a Scottish/Burns poem which they will then recite to the class.

From this, a child from each class will be selected to represent their class at our Burns assembly.

When learning the poem remind your child to focus on –

  • Good, clear diction
  • Pace
  • A good understanding of the poem
  • Correct pronunciation of Scottish words
  • Good facial and vocal expressions conveying the sentiment of the poem
  • Variation in pace and tone

Here are some links to some poems you may wish to choose. We will discuss each of these in class this week.






If you would like to choose your own Scottish or Burns poem then please feel free.

Please dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Miss Altman and Mrs McKay

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