P5H Book Detective Homework – due 13.12.12

Good afternoon everyone, here is your Book Detectives homework for this week.

Your homework pages this week are :

Blue –  Call 999 P21 – end of book

Yellow – Scrap Man and Scrapcat P27 – end of book

Red – The Case of the Smiling Shark Chpt4 – end of book

Green – Sing for your Supper Chpt3 – end of book

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the pages/chapters you have read.

Question Master:

Please write out 1 literal and 1 evaluative question pus one other which can be either literal or evaluative (your choice) which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday.

Please remember to provide sentence answers for each of your questions.  A number of you are forgetting this part of your homework.


Please create a detailed picture of something important in the part of the book you have read. Please do not copy illustrations that are in the book as the idea of this task is for you to show your understanding of the story in a drawing.  A short  explanation of why you chose your illustration should also be included. If possible please colour your illustration with pencil.

Remember to choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly explain your choice.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Tuesday 13th December.

Please remember if you do not complete this task fully you will find it hard to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

As you are all now coming to the end of your books, this will be the last Book Detectives homework until after our Christmas break.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes

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