
Hi everyone

Sorry for the delayed post! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.



All children will now have received a letter confirming what they have to wear for our Christmas Nativity Shows. Could I please ask that all costumes are handed into school (in a labelled bag if possible) by Monday morning at the latest. We have our dress rehearsals on this day.


An envelope containing information about nativity tickets has been sent home today. Please look out for this in bookbags.


All library books should be handed back into school by Friday at the latest please so I can return them to the library. Our next library visit will be after the holidays.


Both the P1 and P2 Christmas parties will take place on the afternoon of Friday 16th December.


P2/1 will formally start using Sumdog after the Christmas holidays as we have been focussing on ‘Teach your Monster to Read’ and ‘Skoolbo’ this term. I will issue Skoolbo passwords next week so that you can play this game at home (if you wish) and Sumdog passwords will be issued next term.


We have a few Christmas crafts left over from the fair on Saturday that I now have back in class. All crafts cost £1 if you still wish to purchase your child’s craft.


P1 Homework this week:

New Sound ‘ai’ as in rain.


Wordwall – apologies for not having the wordwall in bookbags yesterday. All children have been issued with a fresh wordwall to make it clearer what words they still have to focus on. When children are confident with all words, please choose a couple of words each night and ask your child to orally create a sentence using that word.

No reading books

P2 Homework this week:

Spelling (ss/zz)


Continue to practise poem piece until confident.

No formal maths this week however here are a couple of links to money games that we have been playing in class if you wish to play them at home.






As always, if you have any problems, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Have a lovely week!

Miss Cruickshank



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