Good morning!
I have sent your child’s profile to the email address you gave to the school. I have had an issue with a couple of the addresses-can you see me tomorrow please if you have not received the profile and I will resend it?
Homework-new reading books. Remember these are swapped on Wednesday so please ensure you child brings their book to school every day.
New sounds-f and b
Wordwalls-continue to practise identified words. It is also a good idea to ask children to tell you sentences using some of the words they know.
Maths activity
Remember we have our school trip on Wednesday. Children should bring a packed lunch if you have not requested one from the school. We will be eating our lunch before we go to Scotland Street School. Please send in any outstanding permission slips and payment if you have not already done so.
Reading workshop- please return slip if you are able to attend this information meeting.
Best wishes
Mrs Hunter