P5 – Brazil – Favelas – Another side to Brazil

Image result for brazil flag

Today we will be learning about favelas in Brazil. There are many favelas (shanty towns) in Brazil, housing millions of people. Our task today involves you researching different aspects of these areas.

Task:  Using the information provided (Powerpoint, blog links and videos), each group member should take as many notes as they can in the given time. Notes should then be shared within each group to ensure all group members have the same knowledge.

Your notes should be used to write a detailed script which will then be used to produce a news report on favelas in Brazil. All group members should be involved. You should include information on the following:

  • What is a favela?
  • Where can they be found?
  • Why are they there?
  • What are the conditions like?
  • Who lives in them?
  • Why do people choose to stay there?
  • Why are these areas still growing?
  • What could be done to help?

Please use only these links when researching today.

KidsSearch – Favelas

Rio’s Favelas

Favela Life: Rio’s city within a city

Favela Life: A Child’s View

Newsround: What is life like in a Brazilian favela?



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