P5H Book Detective Homework – due 5/10/16

Good evening everyone.

Please read on to find your Book Detective homework due on Wednesday 5th October.

Please read chapter 27. Your summariser for these chapters should include information from ALL of the chapters as this will show your understanding of what you have read.  An illustration, with a written explanation, should also be completed. Please choose your favourite part to read aloud to your group members in class and record the chapter, page number and number of the paragraph you have chosen in your Book Detective jotter along with a short explanation why you picked your chosen paragraph. There is no need for you to write out the paragraph you have chosen.

Please ensure you complete this task otherwise you will have no information to share with your group and will be unable to participate in our class lesson.

Due to our class trip tomorrow (Thursday) I will return your Book Detective jotters on Friday.

I hope you are looking forward to our trip as much as I am.

Mrs Hughes

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