Week beg 12/09/16

I hope you had a great weekend.

P2 Homework

This week we are revising our last 3 spelling sounds – sh, ch and th.  On Wednesday you can choose a sound to think of 3 new words or one for each sound.  New reading books out this week.  Maths homework on Wednesday will be revising days of the week.


P3 Homework

This week we are revising our last 3 sounds – oi,oy and or.  On Wednesday you can choose a sound for your new words or find a new one for each of the 3 sounds.  New reading books out on Monday and reading comprehension due Friday.  Maths on Wednesday will be months of the year revision.


This week we will be finishing our large art work for our Lighthouse Keepers Lunch topic.  On Tuesday we will be starting our paper mache islands for our topic.  If anyone has any newspapers that you are finished with, I would be grateful if you could send them in for Tuesday for our paper mache.

In Pe we are enjoying our ball skills block.  We have been practising our throwing and catching, and have been developing our communication skills in our games.

This week we are starting our evidence app in class.  This is where the children choose their pieces of proud work to add to their personal profile of work on the Ipad.   Over the next term we will gather one piece of work each week.  This profile will be shared with parents later on in the year.

Have a great week

Mrs Fulton

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