Week Beginning Monday 5th September

Hello Everyone,                                                                                                              We had fun last week planting our pumpkin plants with our buddies.  They are in the raised beds near the secret garden in the middle playground if you wish to have a look. We had extra plants for children who didn’t have a plant. The class will visit them regularly to watch them grow and hopefully we will have many to harvest.  Fingers crossed!

We started the first of our Bounce Back lessons about honesty. We watched a Pinocchio video, discussed the importance of telling the truth and ended up with a dance and a sing-a-long!   See the link below to take you to the Pinocchio song.



Homework this week                                                                                              New sounds :   t and p.  Your child should not be saying “ti” or “pi”. Practise the sound/ song/action and discuss things beginning with each sound. (Keep doing the same with s and a.)

 Reading book. Use the extended stories to help discuss the book.  We will swap the books on Wednesday, so please ensure the book goes back into the bag after reading on Tuesday. If you forget, this could mean that there are not enough copies for the swap.

3 New Words : a and the  are in the bag with the characters.  One activity you could do, say e.g.  “Kipper and Floppy” and get your child to find the words and lay them out in that order, then point to each one as s/he repeats the phrase.

Choose 1 maths activity.

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