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Challenge Borneo

As one World Challenge experience ends, another one enters the embryonic stage.  The proposed expedition to Borneo in the summer of 2015 has been launched and 21 pupils from S4 and S5 have signed up for what promises to be a wonderful experience.

Exciting times lie ahead as the group begin the fundraising stage with the “Blitz the 5050” Challenge seeing all the team feverishly trying to generate support to contribute towards the shared group funds.  More challenges to follow.

The Big Bang Event Scotland

(Dr Costello)

Johnstone High school Science Club took part in the Big Bang Scotland event on Friday 14th June. This is a science based event designed to inspire and enthuse young people in engineering, science and maths.

David Storrar (S3), Euan Fairfull (S2), Alexander Curran (S2) and Harvey Brown (S1) were our science team who competed in a hands on science competition. This team were also responsible for hosting a showcase stall on Forensic science. The judges were very impressed with the enthusiasm of all of our pupils on their stall.

‘I’m a Johnstone High School pupil ‘Get me Outta Here’

 On Thursday 20th June, S3 pupils took part in a survival challenge ‘I’m a Johnstone High School pupil, Get me Outta Here’.  Pupils were put through their paces by completing different survival tasks to help them gain skills in learning, life and work.

Feedback from pupils was very positive ‘ it was fun’, ‘enjoyable day’, ‘interesting’ and ‘I feel more confident in trying new things.’

Thank you to all the staff involved for their hard work to bring about this successful event.

S2 Visit To Sheriff Court

The following report was written by S2 pupil, Cara Hendriks

On Tuesday 21st of May English teacher, Miss Herd, accompanied by RE Teacher, Mr. Peters, took the S2 Debate Club on a school trip to Paisley Sheriff court.

We had a guide allocated to us, telling us about the different roles of the court and how it works. It was fascinating. We were given a tour of all the different courts and then we were allowed to sit in and watch a real case!

Here we were able to listen to each lawyer debating their case and ask questions of the defendant. The Sheriff was a dominant force within the court and was very much in control.

This trip was very interesting and educational and has helped us to enhance our debating skills. We look forward to the future, when perhaps it will be us arguing our case in court!