Johnstone Pupils Exhibit a Flair for the Arts

Well it’s been quite the day in the Johnstone High Art Department. Not content with having eight pupils chosen to have their worked exhibited at the Paisley Art Institute’s Schools’ Exhibition – which begins on Saturday, 21st May and runs through to Sunday, August 21st –  the school have also scooped two of the top awards of the competition.

Lauren Alexander of S3 (pictured below with Mr Sheppard, Acting Principal Teacher of Art, and Mrs McAlinden, Lauren’s class teacher), has been named as the outright winner in the S1-S3 category, winning a £200 prize to be split between herself and the school.



Meanwhile, Samantha Miller of S5 has been named as the overall winner in the S4-S6 category, winning a £100 prize to be split between herself and the school and will be hunted down for a photograph for the school website as soon as her exam leave is over!

The good news does not end there. The following Johnstone High pupils past and present have also been chosen to have their work exhibited:

Rachel Aird (pictured below, right)

Joseph Cameron (pictured below, middle)

Kira Graham (pictured below, left)

Jack Vaughan

Kirsty Hiddleston

Hannah Leitch



Well done to our successful artists. It’s great to see the hard work of the pupils and staff in the department rewarded.

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