This term our topic has been India. For the end of term we thought it would be fun to do a Shadow Theatre project. Shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment using opaque figures in front of an illuminated backdrop to create the illusion of moving images. It is still practised in countries like Indonesia, China, Thailand and India.
In Science – we discovered:-
- how shadows are made using sources of light and opaque materials and how to make shadows big and small using a source of light.
In Language – we wrote a short fable which is a simple story that teaches a life lesson.
In Technology – we used our problem solving skills to build a model which is our shadow theatre and create silhouettes of the characters in the fable.
And through Drama we presented the fable to an audience (P3s) while using expression, voice and movement.
It was great fun and the P3s wrote us lovely thank you cards and said how much they enjoyed our shows.