All posts by Mrs Cox

Pakoras Galore

As part of our topic on India, we invited one of our local Indian restaurants to visit us.  Praveen fromTabla Restaurant in Perth told us about all the different spices used in Indian cooking and brought in examples of spices which made up Garam Masala which means ‘mixed spice’.    The smell in the classroom was amazing because Praveen also brought in lots of warm pakoras for us to taste.  They were delicious!


Cross Country

On Wednesday 28 March, 20 P7s and 1 P6 from Newhill Primary School took part in the Perth and Kinross Council Primary Schools Cross Country event which took place at Perth Racecourse on a dry, fresh day.  There were hundreds of children attending and all our pupils did their very best and achieved great results.   Newhill is very proud of them all.  

HIIT comes to Newhill!

On Monday, the two P7 classes came together to enjoy their first HIIT session led by Joe Wicks, The Body Coach.  HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  The P7s showed tremendous perseverance and followed the routines very accurately.   The P7s’ feedback was extremely positive with the majority saying that they would like to do it again.

We followed this by some fitness circuits so a very good workout by all involved.

Well done P7!!


1920s Art

This term P7 is studying The Roaring 20s.  We have looked at the theme of Art Deco and artists such as Charles Rennie Macintosh, George Seurat and Dali.   The pupils enjoyed drawing the famous Macintosh Rose and then tried their hand at pointillism as in the style of Seurat.


World Book Day

In March Newhill Primary School took part in World Book Day.  The P7s decided it would be a nice idea if they read the P1s’ library books to them.  After they read the library books the P7s asked the P1s questions about them and the P1s offered their answers to the class.  The P7s then read part of their library book to their P1 partner and told them a little bit about the story.  Everyone really enjoyed their morning together.

Queensferry Crossing Visit

On Friday 10th March, the P7s visited the Education Centre at the Forth Road Crossings to learn more about bridges as part of their topic.  The morning was spent making tetrahedrons from wooden dowels and elastic bands which were then made into sandtimer shapes using longer wooden dowels.  These were then attached together to make a bridge 7m long and 2.4m high which the pupils then sat under while posing for a photograph.  They were obviously very good engineers because the bridge didn’t collapse!   Following lunch, the P7s walked along the Forth Road Bridge while relating their class learning to the structures of the Forth Rail Bridge and the Queensferry Crossing. 

A good example of a cantilever bridge

The Engineers’ complete structure 7m long 2.4 m high


The P7s’ current topic is Bridges.    They have studied bridges in terms of the materials used, the types of bridges used and the reasons for choosing a specific type of bridge, the forces of tension and compression, what makes the strongest shape and all the new vocabulary that goes along with the topic.    Here are some of their own bridges which have been constructed in co-operative groups.



Fashion Show!


On Thursday 1st December,  some P7s, along with the High School pupils, took part in an amazing fashion show complete with catwalk.  The pupils had to make outfits from recycled materials and along with their imaginative and very creative ideas, the results were superb.  They thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience including the rehearsals and the hair and make-up  artists  from the High School.  The audience swelled to over 300 who cheered on the P7s along with the sounds of Justin Timberlake’s  Can’t Stop the Feeling!   A great night that will be remembered for a long time.

Prior to the event, the models presented their outfits to the rest of the school at assembly.  A production team from P7C organised the show including the lights, music, sound and backdrops.    Finally, because it was St Andrew’s Day, James Henderson played the school back to their classes on his bagpipes.


Production Team at Work
Costumes coming together
Logistics Team
Mmmm, what music? what backdrop?
Rehearsals at the High School
A Medieval Princess
A Medieval Princess

20161130_140635Catwalk rehearsal

Final touches taking place
Peacock Skirt made out of newspaper, paint and pleated bin bags.
Production Team and Narrators
Our models with their amazing creations.
Our models with their amazing creations.
Our models with their amazing creations.
Our models with their amazing creations.
Our Dancing Queen Finale

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Want to buy a tree?

As part of our outdoor learning topic based on the novel Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver, the children, in their clan groups, had to sell their tree and say why it was the best in the forest.  They had to describe their tree in a fun and engaging way,  say why there tree was so special and use voices full of expression along with gestures.


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