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School Show

Lance was an amazing Joseph who threw himself into the part and worked so hard. A joy to work with, always willing to take on board my suggestions. Thank you Lance. I will really miss you and hope you continue to perform. All the very best for the future. IMG_1242


Sincere thanks to all who contributed to make the show a success. Thank you parents who sent your children in with costumes and for bringing your child/children back to the evening performances.  Special thanks to the pupils for working so hard and putting on a splendid performance. Mrs Johnston is very proud of you all. Look out for some photos soon.


The cast are working very hard. The boys who play the brothers are a great team and have become like real brothers! Jacob is also in the picture.

Euan who plays Joseph is a very talented performer with a lovely voice.IMG_1519IMG_1521

School Show

All pupils in P4-P7 have been learning the songs and are looking forward to performing soon. It is amazing what some staff have handy as you will see from the photo!  Mrs Aird and some willing helpers making props!IMG_1445

Day of Song

The P5 pupils enjoyed a day in Perth yesterday at the Perth Concert Hall. They sang their hearts out and thanks to the glorious weather were able to enjoy their lunch on the Inch. Grateful thanks to the parent helpers who joined us.IMG_0949