After the October Holidays

We have had a very busy term in the music room. Every week pupils have had the opportunity to play percussion instruments. We have been revising how to play both tuned and untuned percussion instruments. We have been enjoying new additions to our Charanga Music School. We have learned songs for assembly and most recently Harvest has been our theme for those. Pupils have been learning about the instrument families of the Orchestra including the Brass, Woodwind, Strings and Percussion groups. Looking forward to next term we will learn the songs for our Christmas Nativity. I always tell the children that the retail trade and Mrs Johnston are the only people allowed to mention the word Christmas in October! I have everything ready to go and am very much looking forward to teaching the children the music and songs. A favourite time of year for me! Sticking with tradition P3 will have the main parts and all other stages will support the singing of the songs. Pupils in P4-P7 will have the opportunity to come along to a lunchtime Choir Club where we will learn Christmas Songs. We already have a booking in the diary for Beech Care Manor Home so I am hoping for a positive response for the choir. Further details about the Nativity next term. Mrs Johnston wishes all a very happy and safe October break when it comes.

Our Music Scheme

glowCharanga Musical school is described as the modern way to help teach Curriculum for Excellence. Through music, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and experience inspiration and enjoyment. Performing and creating music will be the prominent activities for all learners. Through these activities they develop their vocal and instrumental skills, explore sounds and musical concepts and use their imagination and skills to create musical ideas and compositions.

Pupils and Mrs Johnston have enjoyed the varied activities for over a year now. Mrs Johnston continues to review new materials as they are added.

Last night a small group of P6 and P7 pupils kindly gave up their time to entertain an audience at a concert in the Blairgowrie Parish Church Halls. They sang beautifully and were a real credit to the school. Thank you from Mrs Johnston who was very proud of you.Kerr Concert Choir