January in the Music Room

Gosh how quickly January is flying by. I am guessing another sign of me getting old. It has been a busy month here in the music room. The GLEE choir have continued to meet on a Monday night after school. We are learning to sing the set song to a backing track and have started to add in choreography. The pupils will vote this forthcoming week for the 2nd song.

The Perform in Perth choir is established and we meet at Skills Hour on a Friday. The pupils seem to enjoy the songs we are learning for the competition. They are an enthusiastic bunch!

In class music we have been playing tuned percussion instruments every week. I am starting to see a higher standard of playing already which is marvellous. This week we have had a Scottish week and most pupils were able to play a Scottish tune.

A wee reminder – pupils in P4-P7 have the opportunity to learn recorder during class music if they  wish to bring their own instrument.

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