Busy Term

It has been a very busy and exciting first term in the music room.  I have auditioned over 100 pupils for GLEE.  When making the difficult selection I took several things into consideration.  The GLEE Choir is all about stamina, perseverance and of course enthusiasm. I have tried to include some pupils who haven’t had the opportunity to be part of GLEE before. We will have our first proper meeting on Monday 1st October after school in the music room.

We have already performed at a weekend event. We were happy to sing at Braemar day. We sang some songs from Matilda and also Try Everything, our set song from GLEE last year.

Next Sunday  ‘ The Matilda’s and Miss Honey ‘ are coming along to Meigle to perform at a very special service. We are also looking forward to the brunch afterwards!

Classes , including nursery have been enjoying learning new songs and playing instruments. We have been using the tuned percussion in the last couple of weeks and pupils have been happy to attempt more challenging pieces.

We continue to enjoy Music Express and Charanga across the stages and all the activities associated with the schemes.

class video