Music Room Update

Pupils continue to enjoy learning how to play instruments and the pieces from Charanga are especially popular. A few pupils are bringing their descant recorder along to the music class and are making good progress. This week we have been singing I can hear a number to tie in with Maths week. The younger children have also been singing counting songs from the freestyle section in Charanga.IMG_4261

The GLEE Choir singing auditions have taken place this week. 84 pupils have auditioned from the P4-P7 classes. Marvellous to have so many keen pupils. The dancing auditions will take place next Tuesday. Then Mrs Johnston and Mrs Wood will have the very difficult task of selecting 40 pupils to go forward. Those that are successful will get a letter the following week and the Choir will start after the October break and be on every Monday that school is on. I can already say that the heats for Perth and Kinross Choirs will be on 23rd, 24th, 25th April 2018 in the Perth Concert Hall. As soon as I know when Newhill will be performing I will let you know and the date can be saved.

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