Category Archives: Wider Achievement

Coupar Angus Young Heritage Ambassadors

Living Communities and Coupar Angus Primary School have been working together for several years, exploring the rich heritage of Coupar Angus.

YHA - Coupar Angus PS

A Young Heritage Ambassadors group has recently been formed to develop these interests further, and participants will be working towards achieving a Dynamic Youth Award.

Dynamic Youth Awards are peer assessed awards recognising the contributions and achievements of young people in the 10 to 14 age group, externally verified and accredited by ASDAN.  As well as learning about local heritage, the Young Heritage Ambassadors develop skills such as interviewing, research and speaking in public.


Read more about the work the Heritage Ambassadors have been carrying out here.

UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award

On 19 March, two assessors from UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award visited our school.   They talked to staff, children, parents and community partners about the work we do,  I am delighted to inform you that they were very impressed with the children, our vision and values based on respect for self, others and the environment, the involvement of children in decision making and our willingness to take action on local and global issues.   They are recommending that we move from Level 1 up to Level 2 Rights Respecting Schools Award.


I would like to thank everybody for their hard work and in particular Mrs McCulloch and the children in the Rights Respecting Vertical Group.


M R Cameron | Headteacher

Snowdrop Festival

Coupar Angus will be hosting the Snowdrop festival again this year. The children are going to be involved through:

  • Planting snowdrops on the Common with support from Pop
  • Knitting white and green squares for Big Coupar Angus Stitch Up. Parents can join in too. Knitting group meets on a Thursday lunchtime 1245 – 1315
  • Running a Snowdrop Bingo Tea on Friday 27 February at the Town Hall – eyes down 1930hrs
  • Making a snowdrop wall display using white and green plastic bags

The festival runs on 28 February and 1 March – more details to follow.


Guide Dogs

At the start of this session Primary 2 wanted 2 to raise enough funds to sponsor a guide dog. They have worked very hard and have raised a fantastic amount, £661.14. They are now able to sponsor two families of guide dogs. Well Done!

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 12 December, children at Coupar Angus Primary School raised funds for Save the Children by decorating jumpers. £66.80 was raised. Thanks to all who took part. The following children received prizes for their creativity:

P1P – Olivia McCulloch

P1S – Julia Olender

P2 – Sophie Stewart

P3 – Kai McLellen

P4 – Shane Gall

P5 – Madison Drummond

P6 – Mary Cameron

P7 – Ellise Sloan

TR1 – Teonie Smith

TR2 – Lee Cummins

Christmas Hamper

Conner Gowans, P4, was the lucky winner of the Christmas Hamper.

Gingerbread House

P4 continued their winning streak with Sarah Brown winning the Gingerbread House.

Human Rights Day

On Wednesday 10 December Primary 5 used the United Nations website to answer a quiz on the United Nations, explored children’s rights and drew up a wish list of the 5 basic needs that all groups in society should have equal opportunities to access, while the children in TR1 explored the right for shelter and how some people find themselves homeless. They focused on homelessness in London, and learned about ‘Bob the Street Cat’ who befriended a Big Issue seller.

Barnardo’s Charity

Hayley Best from Barnardo’s visited the school on 6 January to talk to the children about the workdone by barnardo’s in the local area. She was able to tell us that since 1990 children at Coupar Angus Primary School had raised £4112.28. Well done everybody!

Book Fair

From Thursday 29 January to Wednesday 4 February children will be able to buy books at school from the Traveling Book company. A leaflet will be sent home showing a selection of books tht will be available. The fair will be open at the end of each school day for parents to browse the selection and to make purchases. We are working hard to promote a positive reading habit as it does have such a positive impact across the whole curriculum. Than you for your support.

Co-Operative Christmas Competition

The children were given the challenge of creating a Christmas Decoration from paper plates. Jayden Gray P3 and Andrew Mands P6 received a box of sweets for their winning entries.

House/Sports Captains and Vice Captains and Class Representatives

The following children have been elected to represent their house:

  Arthurstone Balgersho Cronan Denhead


Roan Still Katie Hepburn Brodie Robertson Michael





Stephen Williams Chloe Milton Zara Myles Stevie Thomson


Dana Liddell Sikira Shanks Aisling Dow McKenzie Edwards
Sports Vice Captain Jack Liddell Andrew Mands Calvin Cargill Sophie Hutchison
P5 Rep Noah Hepburn Claire Doig Jake Roney Keira McDonald
P4 Rep Morgan Rolfe Ewan Thomas Ellie Turnbull James Wilson
P3 Rep Aleisha Crichton Harry Nicholson Lisa Knowles Kai McLellen
P2 Rep Sophie Gall   Barclay Scott Isaac Miller
P1 Rep Paul Mason Lee McKay Irina Matei Eilidh Scougall
TRII Rep Josh Tracey Callum Rae Jamie Clark Lee Cummins
TRI Rep Archie Fulton Teonie Smith n/a n/a

 We wish them well in their many duties.