Collace Primary School

Collace Parent Association

Collace Parent Association is a very active and supportive group responsible for many social activities for families and people in the local community.  Past events have included: a family dance, coffee morning and Burns Supper to raise funds for books, learning resources and school trips.

The Association members provide both financial and practical support to the school throughout the year.  Their help is invaluable, and we could not enjoy our existing standard of provision without support. The Association meets once a term 4 times a year.

During the meetings we:

  • Receive updates from our headteacher about what’s going on at the school
  • Discuss any ideas/concerns that parents raise
  • Chat about fundraising/social events
  • Enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit1

Chairperson: TBC

Secretary:  TBC

Treasurer: Mrs C. Marsh


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