Collace Primary School

May 24, 2023
by Debbie Hamilton


Here at Collace Primary School we believe in nurturing pupils, fostering creativity, and empowering students to become confident and compassionate individuals. At Collace, we recognise the importance of providing a strong foundation for life long learning. Our dedicated staff are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment that encourages curiosity, exploration and personal achievements.

Our school is located 7 miles from Perth in between the villages of Kinrossie and Collace. The school currently has a role of 23 pupils across 2 multi-composite classes. This year we have a P1-3 class and a P4-7 class.

January 29, 2025
by Mrs Baird

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The pupils of Collace Primary School were thrilled to raise £538.35 at their Macmillan Coffee Morning on Thursday 26th September. They attentively served their families, friends and members of our community with wonderful cakes and biscuits made by the pupils themselves. Those who were not serving worked hard in the kitchen doing the dishes, washing and drying hundreds of cups and plates. Fundraising was given an extra boost by the pupil running a very successful raffle on the day. Thank you to everyone who came along and helped us raise such an excellent amount for Macmillan.

January 29, 2025
by Mrs Baird

Fancy Dress Fun Run

On Monday 28th October 2024 our entire school took part in a fancy-dress fun run at Kinrossie Village Park. Cheered on by families and staff, the P1-3 class were first off to start running in some wonderful costumes featuring superheroes to witches.

Then the P4-7 class left the start line and completed so many circuits around the park we lost count. Everyone put in their maximum effort and then after the race the pupils still had enough energy to enjoy a scavenger hunt around the park. The pupils did an excellent job of gathering in sponsorship with the final total reaching £546.50 for our school funds. It was a fun afternoon for everyone, and we are very proud of our pupils showing how dedicated and determined they are.


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