Tag Archives: Topic

Rebecca’s Show and Tell

Rebecca brought in a special instrument which the the Victorians used to view pictures. It is called a stereoscope.

It helped to magnify the picture, so we could see it more closely.

We all queued up to have a view.

A big thank you to Rebecca’s Mum for letting us keep it for the week.


We were skipping today and were learning to run in and certain songs. We sang Jelly on the Plate, Sweeties in the Jar and Sausages in the Pan.

We also learned I am a Girl Guide/ Beaver Scout Dressed in Green. More old songs will be taught over in the next couple of weeks.

Well done to Noah, Carly and Sandy who skipped well in my group today. Well done to the children who also gave a go at running in!

Water Pumps

When Finlay was reading his book called The Victorian Adventure, we came across a water pump used then. We discussed how these were found out to be sources of diseases (especially cholera- a deadly disease) back in the Victorian times. We watched in class a short video clip about how it was detected. Here is a link to this video, for those who would like to see it again.

Cholera and the Water Pump.

Victorian Toys Found by a Metal Detector

Everyone amazed at the Victorian toys Katie showed us!

Katie showed us little Victorian toys, which her Dad has found with his metal detector. She also brought in a book which helped her identify different toys which are known to be found. The boys especially loved the cannon, which the Victorians actually fired.

Thanks to Katie’s Dad for letting us see these super finds.


P2/3 have been doing decoupage to decorate their scrapbook for homework. This was a popular activity in Victorian times. It involved cutting out pictures of your favourite things and overlapping them. A coating of glue was then brushed over to give a shine. Flowers were very popular in Victorian times, but we also stuck on our favourite toys.

How to make Decoupage.