Tag Archives: Literacy

Shrove Tuesday

Today we learned about Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day and how it is the day before Lent .

We then looked at the recipe and discussed how it is set out with ingredients, utensils and instructions. We looked at the different bossy verbs used.

We then used our knowledge of doubles to double the amount of our ingredients, so we would have enough for everyone. We then discussed hygiene and cooking. Finally we got down to making our pancakes!

We measured our ingredients, discussing grams and millilitres and when these are used. We discussed sieving flour and beating the batter to get air into the mixture. Then we used our new electric pan to cook our pancakes. We ate them plain or with a little jam. We discussed the importance of brushing our teeth later.

They actually tasted very good! Well done P2/3!

Scottish Poetry Competition

Well done to everyone who learned their poem for our poetry competition. It was a very difficult decision to choose two winners from each class, as the competition was very strong. The four winners, however from our class were-

P2 Alexander and Eleanor

P3 Aiva and Holly

Well done!

At the final at the Burns Get Together, Holly won overall and won the Bobby Muir Cup!

Well done Holly!